Since I want to blog while I'm abroad, I thought it would be best to update this thing more regularly...especially given that my most recent post was way back in January. Oops.
This summer, I'm working as an AmeriCorps Volunteer in Service to America (VISTA) for Chicago HOPES, a tutoring and enrichment program for children living in homeless shelters throughout the city. The program is currently a part of the Students in Temporary Living Situations (STLS), a division within Chicago Public Schools (CPS). Being in the AmeriCorps (if only for a summer!) is very rewarding and exciting; on my first day of work, I went to a federal building downtown to take my oath of service to America, and there are AmeriCorps posters designed after Rosie the Riveter in our office reminding us that VISTAS "Get Things Done for America." I love my job! I've gotten to be friends with many of my coworkers (I think I sometimes have a little too much fun in the CPS office!), and the kids in the homeless shelter where I work are all amazing, sweet, and funny.
My job lets me travel all around Chicago. My first couple of weeks, I went to a shelter in Auburn-Gresham, but unfortunately the summer program closed because there wasn't enough regular attendance. Afterward, I went to two different shelters in Uptown, a shelter in Brighton Park, and, finally, a shelter in North Lawndale where I am now. The other summer VISTAs and I have done community outreach in North Lawndale and Englewood, and we've fliered all around the city for our fundraising events. I feel much more connected to the city now; I can see myself settling down in Chicago, which I didn't think possible before this summer. I'm more strongly than before considering going into social work as a career, and I'm also thinking about the AmeriCorps after college. We'll see what happens!
More to come—I have lots of stories to catch everyone up on!