23 February 2012

Wearisome Thursday

A series of haiku that describes my Thursday:

isn't it horrid
how sleep debt accumulates
never pay it back

nervously pacing
clothes strewn about my whole room
business casual

interview feedback:
i might "just die on the vine"
anna the raisin

black eyelash on cheek
whispering, laughing on bus
make a secret wish

my jaw really hurts
chewing the same piece of gum
for over three hours

"a faraway love
is never a good love" says
miss ruby tuesday

i would much rather
write haiku that no one reads
than do physci work

natural hazards
naturally hazardous
"natty hazards" bro

Ash Wednesday in Chicago

Yet again, it's Ash Wednesday—almost a full year has gone by since I last wrote in my blog on Ash Wednesday in Oaxaca, Mexico. I'm back in Chicago for now, finishing up my fourth year at UChicago. I've decided that, for Lent this year, I will write once a day (something non-school-related—BA drafts do not count!). I will either post my thoughts here on my blog or in my diary. We'll see where this goes.